
Wednesday 26 October 2011

Things my teachers say

All of a sudden it feels like we're expected to choose the direction of our whole life. All of a sudden there are not as many options as we thought, and that feeling is absolutely paralyzing.

Whenever that happens, I try to remember something my professor once told me:

You really need to stop thinking that you need to know what you want to do with your life. Because really, you don't.

He's probably right. After all, not all decisions we make are lifelong and crucial. Those are very comforting words to hear from a respected adult in academia, and possibly the best advice I've ever been given.

Another teacher of mine, one with whom I've shared hours of exciting academical banter, once said with a sigh: "Kids these days - you think life is so short. It's not!" This exclamation was prompted by my rant about wanting to read too many subjects and not having the time to do it. These men are both in their forties, and looking at their careers, it's clear that they practice what they preach.

At some point next year, I will be graduating, whether I'm ready for it or not. (Probably not.) I love my studies, but I have no idea what I want to do with the rest of my life. The plan, for now, is to work on my thesis and enjoy the process. And then I guess I'll just have to take it from there.

Tuesday 4 October 2011


Happy Monday! Today, I have two curve-related musings that I want to share with you. Yes, curve-related as in related to female curves.

Curve-related musing no.1: I just finished reading The Lessons. (Lovely piece of campus fiction by the way, wonderful prose and interesting characters.) In that book, I found this description:

His girlfriend was lusciously plump and beautiful, poured into her dress to the point of appetizing overflow.

Isn't that just beautiful? Who wouldn't love to be described in that way? Probably the nicest description of the female form I've ever come across.

Curve-related musing no.2: No matter how much I like curves (my own as well as curves in general) I do feel like mine rob me of a little something - namely the option of going braless in public. After class today, I chatted a bit with the girl I'd been sitting next to. In the middle of a sentence I noticed that she was very blatantly braless. My reaction to this was an instant urge to compliment her on it, just like you would when someone has changed their haircut or wears a particularly nice shade of nailpolish: "Oh look, you're totally not wearing a bra today! Cool!"

That wouldn't have been a weird thing to say at all, would it?

I guess that's how I see the whole going-braless-thingy: like something nicely bohemian that I would definitely go for myself from time to time - if only it wouldn't cause as much, well, bouncing and discomfort as it does. To me, it's mainly just a way to slightly change up your look, and I will never fully understand those (I've talked to several) who will tell you how offended/disgusted they are by it.

(Just in case you were wondering, I obviously didn't say anything. Because, at the end of the day, boobs are boobs. And as we all know, thou shalt not comment on thy neighbour's boobs. Because chances are, thy neighbour might think thou art slightly odd. Even though thou only ment it as a compliment.)