
Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Mischief managed

I haven't really grasped the fact that it is autumn yet. The leaves are still so green, the weather is still so sunny. I had quite a lovely weekend, doing pretty much what I said I would: I read up on some French, went to the gym and embroidered "Mischief managed" on to my grocery bag.

That last part now feels like a rather good excuse to talk about Harry Potter. And frankly, one should never pass up a chance to talk about Harry Potter.

I've been addicted to Harry Potter ever since I started reading the books at fourteen, ten years ago. I remember realizing that I'll be in my twenties when the final movie airs - and then adding, "but I'll probably have outgrown the whole phenomenon by then". Oh, how wrong I was!

The thing is though, I have kind of outgrown the books. I've read them so, so many times over. And to be honest, even though the main storyline is obviously great, I was always interested mainly in the subplots. The marauders, the people in the Order of the Phoenix, the village dymanics of Hogsmeade, the Weasley twins and their crowd... These were the things that really triggered my imagination.

To be honest: even though I no longer read the books, I do find myself drifting of into Harry Potter-related daydreams ever so often. I simply love the HP universe, the aestethics of the films, the magic itself and the well-written characters. Oh, and the fact that it fuels other peoples creativity as well - as proven by all the parodies, the photo montages, the hilariousness.

Well, I'm off now. I need to drop by Flourish and Blotts to pick up Spellman's Syllabary for my Ancient Runes class.

1 comment:

  1. I love Harry Potter. I need to reread the books, it's been too long.

    I agree with you, the subplots are very interesting. I want to learn more about everyone and everything else. Maybe Pottermore will oblige?

    In response to your comment on my blog, I'd have to say my favorite smoothie recipe is 1 c. vanilla soy milk, one banana, two tbsp. peanut butter, and about 6 ice cubes. So good. It's a bit like a peanut butter milkshake.
