
Thursday, 19 January 2012

Rose coloured glasses

Good morning everyone! 
Well, it's almost midday, but I'm sitting here still drinking my morning green tea, getting some work done before meeting up a friend for lunch and another for coffee. Last week, my first week back at uni, was filled with so much socializing that I needed a proper break from it all, so this week I've completely isolated myself and focused on writing. It's been so nice!

I just realized I'm all flowers today. Flowery underwear (TMI?), flowery dress, flowery scarf. But I'm pairing it with black stockings and my chunkiest black knit cardigan, so it should work. I'm just feeling very spring timey today, which is probably odd considering that the snow lies deep on the ground outside, but it doesn't seem to matter to me... My favourite spring timey thing right now is my dainty rose-patterned tea mug to which I have matching napkins. Yes, matching napkins. That's borderline ridiculous. But hello, old-fashioned rose printed napkins, how could anyone resist?

(No, I'm not in love or anything. It's just one of those rose coloured days.)

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