
Monday, 30 January 2012

This little town of mine

I'm back in my university town again, after spending the weekend in the capital, like I mentioned. And yes, it was exactly what I needed: Hours and hours of deep conversations with people who know me almost too well, but in a good way. A great gig at a cozy bar. Some nice shopping and a much-needed change of scenery.

The trip also served as a reminder of how much I do appreciate this little town of mine: No hour-long bus rides to get everywhere, no walking for ages looking for that shop you've been to several times but suddenly cannot find... But mainly the bus thing. And the grit-and-gloom-of-a-big-city thing. These things are kind of nice every once in a while, but in my everyday life I can definitely do without them.

I didn't get back until around midnight last night, so today I started my week with a lovely, lazy morning trying out some of yesterday's shopping, i.e. showering with the Lush Sweetheart soap and moisturizing with the Mange Too massage bar. My apartment now smells like a Lush store. If I just ignore my slight headache from lack of sleep and the fact that my apartment is freezing, this week is off to a promising start.

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